Framed encaustic painting on wall
Encaustic paintings are one of the most durable forms of fine art expression, but they benefit from specific care.
If you must transport a painting in extremely hot or cold weather, simply cover the entire surface with wax paper, then cardboard, and provide some form of insulation, such as bubble wrap. Unwrap the painting when at room temperature.
Hang your painting in a place that does not get an excessive amount of direct sunlight. The painting should always feel cool to the touch of your hand.
The damar resin in the wax mixture provides stability and durability, but the painting can still be damaged if scratched with a sharp object or dropped. I recommend that you use some museum or earthquake putty, available at any hardware store, at the bottom underside of the painting. This will secure your painting to the wall if it is bumped and will keep it leveled.
If you prefer a shiny versus a matte finish, feel free to buff your painting when it seems dull or hazed over. When an encaustic painting is less than six-months-old, it may go from shiny to matte more easily. Occasionally dust the surface of your painting using a soft 100% lint-free cloth. After dusting, you may buff the surface by using the palm of your clean hand with light-to-medium pressure. The natural oils in the skin will bring the painting back to shiny in no time.